New Logo and Womenstuff Hunt

Lots of new things to update you on!  Firstly, XSIGHT is changing looks.  New logo, new colours.  But the biggest news: XSIGHT will be one of the stores on the upcoming WomenStuff hunt on November 2nd.  There are 200 stores involved in the hunt and each store will be putting out a gift for November and changing the gift for December.  So clean out your closet and make room for 400 gifts!  Below is XSIGHT's gift for November and XSIGHT's new logo.  

These are very realistic looking eyeglasses in a nice shade of red leather with silver temples, bridge and parts.  They eyes are a fiery red with a tiny heart on the pupil.  XSIGHT eyes are not meant to be realistic.  They are like wearing fun contact lenses.  Here is another photo of the eyeglasses and eyes.  These eyes and shade and texture for this frame will not be available in store for purchasing.  They are exclusive for the Womenstuff hunt.  There will be other colours and textures in the Material Girl frame available for purchase in the near future.  

As I was making these promo photos, I was having a heard time getting the original XSIGHT logo to work with them so I decided a new look was in order.  So now a new logo was made.  Here is another version of the logo for profile and other uses.

Click HERE to visit XSIGHT in-world.  The store's makeover will take place November 1st!

For link to Womenstuff site and  hunt information and stuff group information visit there website HERE.  



So I've been kinda in a weird world of my own for a bit lately.  I'll be completely myself one moment then suddenly get inspired and then *poof!* into my own world.  Maybe just in the zone again idk.  But I was sitting with my love the other night and didn't know where I was going with what I was building.  I tried to do some photoshopping but nothing came to me.  For once I was totally uninspired. I had pumped out a few textures to use within SL for decorating before I hit the ground.  For a moment I had ideas but they seemed to slip away.  Then after some cuddling, something in my brain twitched and the following piece was born.  I call this one "Blind".  I don't know why, but I went with that and love it.  

This next one I've titled "The Forgotten".  I was cuddling with my love again last night a bits and started working on it.  After he logged, I was missin' him badly and threw myself completely into this one.  To me it shows a distorted, ghostly figure... a distorted fragment of the past, once loved and remembered.  Over time, memories of her have faded, distorting her and making her a forgotten soul.  I know, silly thoughts.  But they are inspirational ones. :P

I leave for holidays tomorrow morning.  Should be interesting as you can usually find lots of inspiration while on holidays, and lots of time to create.


Mysterious Things

Sometimes I have odd, mysterious things floatin' around in my head.  That is where this was born *giggles*.  I took a photo of me and went crazy with the brushes on it.  It was so much fun.  I've been pretty quiet with the photoshop stuff lately as I have been trying to catch up on other things.  This one was actually done a week or two ago.  Just finding the time now to post it here. 

This week I hope to get another one done for the unnamed series.  Maybe even finish it this weekend while on holidays.  

Life is good!  :)

- X

The Siren

I was up and down last night, so this photo is a mix of a dark mood and a light one.  When in that sort of mood, it's hard to decide what to do.  Shopping seemed kind of boring, so I went with photos.  Photography is good, no matter what mood you are in. ^.^

If you are familiar with Photoshop, then you likely know a bit about layers.  I was all over the place with my mood so I went crazy on the layers...*giggles*.

I used various smoke brushes on different layers, to create the dark watery background.  I used different shades of blue, black, white and a touch of indigo.  For the light beam effect, I used a light beams brush with white and made the layers a bit transparent.  I did the same effect in my hand, but copied that layer and used white, then purple, then white.  for the tiny bubble, I used a bubble brush.  I used the blur tool around my avatar, to smooth out lines and soften it a bit.  for the avi's skin color, I played with brightness and contrast and did some color adjustments to give it a cooler tone.  

If you have Photoshop but are a bit overwhelmed, try looking up tutorials online.  There are some excellent tutorials and free brush set out there.  


- X

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