The Siren

I was up and down last night, so this photo is a mix of a dark mood and a light one.  When in that sort of mood, it's hard to decide what to do.  Shopping seemed kind of boring, so I went with photos.  Photography is good, no matter what mood you are in. ^.^

If you are familiar with Photoshop, then you likely know a bit about layers.  I was all over the place with my mood so I went crazy on the layers...*giggles*.

I used various smoke brushes on different layers, to create the dark watery background.  I used different shades of blue, black, white and a touch of indigo.  For the light beam effect, I used a light beams brush with white and made the layers a bit transparent.  I did the same effect in my hand, but copied that layer and used white, then purple, then white.  for the tiny bubble, I used a bubble brush.  I used the blur tool around my avatar, to smooth out lines and soften it a bit.  for the avi's skin color, I played with brightness and contrast and did some color adjustments to give it a cooler tone.  

If you have Photoshop but are a bit overwhelmed, try looking up tutorials online.  There are some excellent tutorials and free brush set out there.  


- X

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